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Website re-design
The aim of is to increase the visibility of women in the field of public speaking. With the help of this website it will be easier for event/conference organisers to find female experts to speak at their events.
Having built their initial website without a designer, Speakerinnen reached out to seek new appearance and experience for the users, both on the conference organiser' send as well as the speaker's.
I interviewed the stakeholder about heir frustrations. Most of them relate to the fact that the website does not really have a design which is is focused on the user:

The main change: log in or unique user visit for two types of users:
A speaker wold have a diferent user path than a conference organiser

A new user will now chose between a speaker flow, or an event organiser flow.
Categories are displayed on the home page, in a way that the user can see their popularity. This feature brings in color, but also the feeling of a live and updated website.
This system allows the user to chose multiple tags with in multiple categories, with in the same filtering session.
Speakerinnen is an on going project which is still under development, where I contribute to the team as the only designer, where I am responsible of the whole product design process. This includes:
- User interviews
- Data visualisation research
- Persona creation
- Low fidelity prototyping
- Invision mockups
- User Testing
While we were concentrating on the conference organiser's flow, the speaker has also a journey ahead of her, and
so do the admins of the website. These users are next to come, as the project is still in process.

The user gets an overview of available speakers tagged by the different categories chosen in the screen before.
Clicking on each one of them leads to a profile page with contact details.

The speaker's profile page is devided to clear categories which the speaker will be constrained to stick with, as she fills up her information.
The categories maintain their original color, though the chips are not deletable from here.
Video references are limited to the top 3 of the speaker's choice, in order not to overwhelm the user.
Previously, there were profile pages with 8-12 videos, which proved to be exhausting.
The personal note field is not mandatory for the speaker to fill in.